September Newsletter

September Newsletter

New Coloring Pages are Online!

You can download the FREE coloring pages that are now up and live on the website! Print a few copies and share them with your friends. You can even print a copy for each of your classmates and share them at school. Happy coloring!


Coloring section

Currently Scheduling Author Visits!

I am currently scheduling my 2019/2020 author visits. If you or someone that you know would love to have me come visit your child’s school, please email me: My author visits are interactive and inspirational. Let’s spread positivity and kindness everywhere!

What’s Been Happening?

Summer vacation is coming close to an end. Make sure to finish off the summer with your very own set of The Be Books. This month has definitely been a crazy good month! The Light Within Me was published! And Every So Often A Zebra Has Spots and You Are A Superhero both went live on AMAZON Prime! I have been very busy in hopes that you can start out the new school year with a backpack full of wonderful, empowering, colorful, kind, loving and accepting books. If you are not already following me on social media, find me on Instagram and Facebook. @TheBeBooks

Save The Date...

I am busy working on my sixth book, Life. Crossing my fingers that I will be able to share it with all of you late Winter/ early Spring 2020!

Follow / Like / Share the Positivity!

Make sure that you are following me on social media! It’s a great way to see daily/ weekly posts and see what’s going on with The Be Books. It is also a great place to come to for positive posts and something that will make you
smile. You can find me on Instagram and Facebook. @TheBeBooks


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