I am so grateful to be featured in Thrive Global as they discuss the benefits of reading Be Who You Were Meant To Be and all eight books in The Be Books series.
Living through a pandemic has definitely been hard on many of us. No matter where your beliefs lie, it is a challenge on all ends. For those feeling "stuck" at home ... it is an emotional burden we did not expect. For those feeling "pressured" to do what society is saying to do ... it feels very similar to peer pressure. For those trying to just "do the right thing" ... it's very hard to know what the right thing is at all times. For these reasons, it is so important that we support one another and finds ways to "keep calm" and just breathe.
With all of the physical and emotional changes happening, we need to make sure to put a healthy focus on the social emotional wellbeing of our children as well as ourselves.
As adults, social distancing felt strange. Can you imaging what children growing up are feeling? We need to remember to stop and listen to them. Hear their worries and acknowledge them. Help them navigate their fears and worries and turn them simply into thoughts/questions .. ways to learn and grow.
Lauren Grabois Fischer and The Be Books are using deep concepts put simplisically into her Social Emotional Learning picture book series, to help navigate difficult emotions and worries and create a balance of comfort and calm. Her books are engaging as they include BONUS PAGES to inspire positive conversations between parents and children; teachers and students.
Enjoy the full article by clicking here.