“New Book” News
“The Light Within Me”, my 5th children’s book, has about 90% of its illustrations completed. My illustrator and I are working on perfecting all of the artwork and I am looking forward to the day that this book will be complete! Crossing my fingers that it will be joining my other books by the late summer.
School/Author Visit
Lauren Grabois Fischer had the pleasure of visiting Get Ready Set Grow earlier this month. The twos, threes
importance of respect.
Save The Date…
Sunday, April
purchase some books and hear me read some of my books. The Learning Express will be donating 20% of all daily proceeds to Donna Klein Jewish Academy. So come and purchase some books, toys
Currently Scheduling Summer Author Visits!
I am currently scheduling my summer author visits. If you or someone that you know would love to have me come visit your child’s camp or school, please email me: lauren@thebebooks.com.